BC547 Transitor: Pinout, Equivalent and Applications

BC547 is a most common NPN Transistor used in different types of electronic circuits.This transistors are most popular, because of their availability, Low cost and use. In this Article you will get the complete overview of BC547 Transistors.

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What is BC547 Transistor?

The BC547 is a General purpose NPN transistor, it is a bipolar junction transistor so it is also known as BJT transistors. to get more clearity the NPN means (Negative-Positive-Negative). The transistor widely using for switching and amplification purpose. This transistor can only handle the small input voltage and current.

BC 547 transistor internal structure

If you are an electronic hobbyist, choose a simulation software to observe the visual characteristics of this transistor. The transistor consists of 3 Terminals and a black coloured plastic package around the legs. The three legs are Collector, Base and Emitter respectively. The inside of this transistor uses two types of semiconductor.

The  P region or positive region is separated from the Negative region. In an NPN transistor the Base is P region and it is slightly doped with other impurities to alter the property of the semiconductor. The emitter section is heavy and the collector section is moderately doped.

BC547 Transistor Pinout

BC547 Transistor pinout diagram
Pin NumberPinNameDescription
1CollectorCurrent flow through
2BaseControlling the biasing
3EmitterCurrent drain through this pin
Pin configuration

Features of BC547 Transistor

  • High voltage, Low noise NPN transistor.
  • Collector-Emitter Voltage Vceo=45
  • Collector-Base voltage Vcbo=50
  • Emitter-Base voltage Vebo=6
  • DC current gain hfe= 800
  • Total Device Dissipation = 625mW

BC547 Transistor Equivalent

The equivalant transistors are BC549, 2N2222, 2N3904, 2N3906, BC546, BC548


  • This tiny Transistor is using as a general purpose switching circuit and signal amplification.
  • PWM signal generation.
  • Small signal amplification in Radio and TV.
  • Hobby LED circuits.
Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of Solderingmind.com. I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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