The Circuit Will Extent Life of Your Home Appliances
Soft starter circuit diagram – From the name it is clearly mention that it will turn on the electrical home appliances smoothly. To know deeply you need to know how an electrical equipment start working when you are directly connecting to an AC source.
How an AC equipment start working
While normally an electrical device working are very simple to explain like plug and play… Yes if you are going to turn on an lamp in your room or mixer grinder in kitchen using a single switch. In that time a sudden brightness or high speed startup of equipments is happening. This is due to the initial over current taking process. ( When you plug in a small fire on the socket )
This Initial peak of the Current will definitely damage your electrical home appliances. Because of the large current the internal components of electrical wiring get damaged or burned. The initia current is also known as the Inrush Current.
Some manufacturer add thermistors for surge protection. During long operation the resistance increases due to increasing temperature of the thermistor and the power loss occurred. So we designed a circuit to protect home appliances from Inrush current.
Soft starter circuit diagram
Working of soft start circuit
while switch on ac input connected with the home appliances with a diode. And this will limits the usage of huge current in the initial starting stage. The same time the circuit of transformer less power supply gets to work. The 12v zener diode will stabilize the voltage to 12v.
C5 220uf capacitor gets charged slowly through the 51k ohm it will delay on the second. When the capacitor charged full then transistor gets sufficient current to turn on the relay. Now the relay turn on and loaded output gets full current directly from the AC mains by bypassing.
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w zależności od wartości znamionowej przekaźnika stykowego
Is the ground just for the circuit itself, separate from appliance ground?
Is. The ground the same as the neutral power line or is it just the internal ground to the circuit?
It’s just ground not connect to neutral
What is the used of 1n5408 ? Which side is the anode and cathode ?
Ac output side is cathode
What is the voltage of the relay ?
R-14 is a resistor or 1N5408 diode?
Its diode 1n5408
so basically we are limiting the current by just allowing only half cycle of the ac sine wave to pass through?
It’s a diode