TTP223 Touch Sensor ON/OFF Circuit

TTP223 Touch sensor project
Fig.1: TTP223 Touch sensor Project

The TTP223 Touch sensor has the capability to make the entire touch sensor project without need for complex circuit or mechanical button. The entire sensor board is a very tiny and compact one to do DIY Projects.

In this article i am sharing the Circuit diagram, working explanation of TTP223 Touch sensor based on/off project. Simple and very minimal components are used in it. You can connect this circuit with a 12V relay to operate the home appliances too. 


The TTP223 Capacitive Touch sensor module is used in various electronics projects. Most hobby electronic enthusiasts and beginners choose this type of electronic sensor to build projects.

The capacitive touch sensor sensing the touch or proximity without any physical contact. The compact design of this TTP223 Mosule makes it easy for electronics project building.

Key Features and Specifications

  • Operating voltage: 2.0V to 5.5V DC
  • Technology used: Capacitive sensing technology
  • Touch Detection mode: Toggle mode and momentary mode
  • Output interface: The output signal will be in digital format.
  • Low power consumption and energy efficiency.

TTP223 Touch ON/OFF Circuit

TTP223 touch sensor on/off circuit
Fig.2: TTP223 Touch Sensor ON/OFF Circuit


The circuit consist of two touch sensors. One is for turn on and other one is for turn off the circuit.

While the finger touch on the sensitive area produce a positive voltage in the output pin. That will passes through the 1N4007 diode and it reaches to the BC547 transistor base pin.

The same time the Transistor turn on and start to conduct negative voltage thought it. Also the same time BD911 transistor turn on and the output voltage is passing through it.

If you are touching the second touch sensor the The voltage passing to the nearest BC547 transistor and it will turn off the first BC547 and BD911 transistors. Then it will stop conducting the output voltage.

Components Required

TTP223 Capacitive Touch sensor1
L7805 or LM7805 Voltage regulator1
BD911 Transistor1
BC457 Transistor2
BC557 Transistor1
10K resistor5
1N4007 diode1
12v Battery1

Touch sensor Pinout

ttp223 pinout
Fig.3: TTP223 Pinout


The TTP223 touch switch circuit is most suitable for home appliances and also for the hobby electronics projects. It can able to handle high power rating machines using a powerful relay attached with the circuit.


What is the function of TTP223?

The TTP223 Touch sensor module working based on the capacitive technology. When the one touch detected the module produce the output voltage through the I/O Pin of the module.

How does a TTP223 work?

The module working based on the touch sensing on the touch pad. The internal circuit start to produce voltage while touching on it.

What is the sensitivity of TTP223?

0 to 50pf

What is TTP223 a useful interface when replaced with?

It replaces the button key with Touch switch.

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Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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