Transformer winding – calculate copper gauge and amp ratings

Transformer winding – wind your own transformer at home using some simple mathematics, and also known which size of copper I want to use when winding the Transformer.

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want to what is transformer?

Transformer working
Transformer working

The transformer is defined as an electrical device that works in the principle of the electromagnetic force. The transformer contains copper wire and metallic sheets. there is a different type of transformers are available in the market. Mainly that transformers are using to convert the high voltage into low volt or convert the low voltage into high volt.

That’s commonly known as step-up transformer and step down transformer. Step up transformer does the job of converting the low voltage into a high voltage level. And the step-down transformer that does the job of converting the high voltage into low voltage.

The transformer contains the primary and the secondary coil windings. In step down transformer, the primary coil contains less number of turns and the secondary coil have least more of turns than the primary. In a step-up transformer, the primary coil is thick copper wire with less number of turns. And the secondary coil having more numbers of turns.

Types of transformer commonly using an electronic device

There are different type of transformer are using. The commonly using transformers are

  • Step up transformers
  • Step down transformers
  • Air core transformers
  • Iron core transformers
  • Toroidal transformers

In this article, I am going to simply say about how to calculate the transformer winding and which size of the copper wire we need to choose while winding the transformer.

Transformer winding coil turns calculation

The winding of the transformer is based on the equation of


NS = Number of turns in secondary coil

NP = number of turns in primary coil.

VS = voltage in secondary coil.

VP = voltage in primary coil.

For the demonstration on purpose, I am going to construct a 12-volt transformer that working in a 230 volt. Now we need to calculate the number of turns in the primary and secondary coil of the best Transformer.

I am not mentioning the core size it will be changing according to the power of the transformer. This equation is only for calculating the number of turns during the transformer winding.

VS = 230 volt. VP = 12 volt.

NS = ? NP = 80 turns.

How we want to calculate the secondary turns of this transformer.

NS/ Np = VS/ VP

NS = ( VS*NP) / VP

= ( 230/1500) *12

=1533.33 turns

That is 1540 turns needed for producing 12 volt on primary coil.

Copper wire gauge and Amper

You are confused when winding a transformer, is which gauge of the copper wire I used for the winding transformer. And

how many amperes can we get? Or you are decided to make a 5 a transformer and you don’t know which copper I use?

Here is the solution for theses confusion. Choose the copper size according to the specific amper you need.

Copper gauge amp rating

Gauge number (awg)Ampere
744.2 amp
833.3 amp
926.5 amp
1021.2 amp
1116.6 amp
1213.5 amp
1310.5 amp
148.3 amp
156.6 amp
174.1 amp
192.6 amp
202.0 amp
211.6 amp
221.2 amp
231.0 amp
240.8 amp
250.6 amp
260.5 amp
270.4 amp
280.3 amp
290.29 amp

To make 5 amp transformer use 16 gauge copper wire on the transformer when winding.

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Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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  1. Celý výpočet je niak nejasný. Podla čoho ste udali tie číslá ked ste nevypočítali najprv prierez jadra E trafa. Potom sa može počítat Primár a sekundár. A aj nato je koeficient 45 a podla toho sa počítá počet závytov na 220 na sekundár.

  2. No mention where The 80 came from? NP/NS = VP/ VS
    230 primary volts ÷ 12 secondary volts= 19.16 so how many turns is a mystery from these calculations.

  3. Your calculation on the winding and number of turn and voltage is very very wrong… Please study the calculation well.. Thank you..

  4. Above is wrong, very wrong.

    NS/NP = VS/VP

    NS = ( VS*NP) / VP = (12*80)/230 = 4.2 turns

    as 80 turns on primary is very small, I think you meant if 80 turns on the secondary how many on the primary

    NS/NP = VS/VP
    NS = (VS*NP)/VP
    NP=(80*230)/12 = 1533 turns