Speaker protection board circuit diagram – The circuit is very easy to build at home. simple and very effective speaker protection board for your stereo power amplifier board. The circuit contains three transistors which control the circuit.
When any DC voltage is detected on the circuit suddenly the circuit gets off and protects your speaker from damaging the high DC current. In my opinion, the speaker protection board is very essential for your power amplifier boards because if you are playing music at a higher volume the chances of damaging the speaker coil is high.
Speaker protection PCB layout
Working of Speaker Protection Board
The speaker protection board works based on the transistors of c9013 and two 945 npn transistors, when any DC signals are detected on the input or output the DC voltage passes through the 1N4007 diode and opens the 945 transistors, and the signal stores on the 100uf capacitor and delay the relay to turn on that time the relay disconnected the speaker from the amplifier and protect the amplifier ic and speaker.
I want 3 piece of this board. Please let me know how. Thanks