Electronic Mosquito Repellent circuit

Electronic mosquito repellent circuit

The electronic mosquito repellents are devices that utilize advanced technology to keep mosquitoes away. These devices emit high frequency sound waves or electromagnetic waves that are specifically designed to deter mosquitoes.

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The emitted waves are either irritating or disruptive to mosquitoes, effectively driving them away from the area where the device is placed.

How High Frequency Sounds Repel Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes have specialized sensory organs that allow them to detect sound frequencies within a specific range.

The high frequency sounds, means above 20 kHz. The frequency is fall outside the range of human hearing but can be detected by mosquitoes.

When exposed to high frequency sounds, mosquitoes exhibit certain behaviors that indicate their discomfort or aversion, leading to their repulsion. Here’s how mosquitoes may be repelled by high-frequency sounds.

555 IC Mosquito Repellant circuit

555 ic mosquito repellant circuit diagram
555 IC mosquito repellant circuit diagram

Components Required

NE 555 IC1
Buzzer 1
0.01uf Ceramic Capacitror1
10K variable pot1
1K Resistor1
9V battery1

How Does a Mosquito Repeller Works

A mosquito repeller based on a 555 IC (Integrated Circuit) works by emitting ultrasonic sound waves that are annoying to mosquitoes and other insects. The 555 IC is a type of electronic component commonly used in circuits.

How does a mosquito repeller works

Here’s a simplified explanation of how a 555 ic based mosquito repeller works. These functions are classified below.

Oscillator Circuit of 555 IC

The 555 IC is set up as an astable multivibrator, which generates a continuous square wave output. By adjusting the values of connected resistors and capacitors, the frequency of this square wave can be controlled.

20 Khz Ultrasonic Frequency

In a mosquito repeller, specific resistors and capacitors are selected to create a frequency in the ultrasonic range, typically between 20 kHz and 40 kHz. This range falls within the hearing range of mosquitoes and certain other insects but is beyond the hearing capacity of humans.

Buzzer to produce Sound Waves

The square wave output from the 555 IC is connected to a piezoelectric transducer. When the electrical signals reach to the buzzer, it converts them into sound waves.

Ultrasonic Sound

The buzzer vibrates at the same frequency as the square wave producing ( 20 KHz ) ultrasonic sound waves with high frequency range. Although we can not hear these waves sound, but the wave  can be irritating to mosquitoes.

Mosquito Repelling Effect

When the ultrasonic sound waves are emitted, they interfere with the sensory organs of mosquitoes, making it harder for them to navigate and locate their targets. This disruption can discourage mosquitoes from coming near the area where the repeller is operating.

Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of Solderingmind.com. I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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