The Difference Between Latch and Flip Flop Explained

Difference between flip flop and latch

What is the difference between Latch and Flip Flop

The main difference of flip flop and latch is the, flip flop is a edge triggering type memory circuit. The latch is the level triggering type. For more clarity it means that output of the latch will changes whenever the input changes.

The simple way of expression is that the latch will changes when only the situation of control signal of the input goes low and high visa versa. So we know the major difference of the Latch Vs Flip Flop. Lets check this in detailed below, so scroll down to read more.

What is Flip Flop

The flip flop is defined as, it is a digital memory circuit and that sores one bit of data in it. This is the primary blocks of the most sequential electronic circuits. So this this is also know as one-bit memory or binary, bistable multivibrator also. You can easily get the output in the sequential circuit using the flip flop.

The flip flop state will be repeatedly changing depending on the input clock pule. This will remain unaffected in the absence of clock pulse. The types of flip flop is listed below.

  • Toggle Flip-flop
  • SR Flip-flop
  • JK Flip-flop
  • Data Flip flop

What is Latch

The latch is a electronic device, it changes its output immediately based on the given input. It is using to store either 1 or 0. It contains tow inputs named as ”SET” and “RESET”. which are complement to each-other.

Diff Between Latch and Flip Flop

Flip FlopLatch
It is a bistable device using edge triggered approachLatches are level triggered approach
Flip flops are sub divided synchronous and asynchronous No classifications
It have a input clock signaldoes’t have
It needs more power than latchLess power needed
Slow speed of operation Higher operating speed
Diff between latch and flip flop
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Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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