CNC Spindle Motor Speed Controller

24v cnc spindle motor speed controller circuit using 555 ic

The CNC Machine needs the proper movement and speed adjustment system to work perfectly. So in this article you will get the circuit diagram and PCB layout of CNC Spindle Motor Speed Controller Circuit.

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24V CNC Spindle Motor Speed Controller Circuit Diagram

24v dc Cnc spindle motor speed controller circuit diagram

Components Required

Component Quantity
555 IC1
IRFLZ34 or IRFZ44 Mosfet1
1N4141 diode2
150nf, 220nf capacitor1
1N4005 or 1N4007 diode1
10 k Pot1
50 ohms and 820ohms resistor1


The Entire circuit is working based on a 555 timer IC it can efficiently control the speed of a 24V router spindle motor. The speed controlling at 500hz frequency for smooth turning of the motor shaft.

The opposite direction of the connected diode will set the trip resistance for the charge discharge of the potentiometer to same. Which fixes the frequency unchanged.

R forward + R backward = Constant duty cycle

The mosfet will turn on and off the motor at the specific frequency range and control the speed of it. The 1N4005 or 1N4007 connected parallel to the motor to protect the mosfet from back emf produced by the spindle motor.

CNC Spindle Motor Speed Controller PCB Layout

CNC Spindle Motor speed controller PCB Layout

Silkscreen of the Layout

Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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