Arduino nano pinout

In this article, you will get a clear idea about Arduino nano pinout and its connection details. for better understanding schematic representation also included.

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arduino nano projects

Nowadays technology developing very fast. The transistor and integrated based circuits are changed to the latest analog and digital technology. The programmed microcontroller is available to do all the functions. The Arduino nano is one of them, Arduino nano working with the support of a tiny microcontroller of ATMEGA328P.

You can able to write the code and programming through your computer or cell phone ( android Arduino app). A little knowledge is enough for small projects and a high level of robotic projects can also be developed using this tiny chip.

Arduino nano pinout

1D1-TXDigital I/O pin
Serial Tx pin
2D0-RxDigital I/O pin
Serial Rx pin
3RESETReset connection
4GNDGround pin
5D2Digital input or output pin
6D3Digital input or output pin
7D4Digital input or output pin
8D5Digital input or output pin
9D6Digital input or output pin
10D7Digital input or output pin
11D8Digital input or output pin
12D9Digital input or output pin
13D10Digital input or output pin
14D11Digital input or output pin
15D12Digital input or output pin
16D13Digital input or output pin
173V33.3v output voltage
18AREFAnalogue reference pin
19A0Analogue input pin 0
20A1Analogue input pin 1
21A2Analogue input pin 2
22A3Analogue input pin 3
23A4Analogue input pin 4
24A5Analogue input pin 5
25A6Analogue input pin 6
26A7Analogue input pin 7
275V5v input or output
28RESETresent connection pin
30VINvoltage supply input

Arduino nano pinout diagram

arduino nano schematics

Arduino nano pin configuration



Vin- The pin provides the input voltage to the Arduino when the time of using an external power source.

5V- This is the regulated or fixed voltage used to power the microcontroller and other components.

3.3v- is generated by the board voltage regulator with a very small current.

GND- represented as the ground or negative supply.
ResetRSTTo resetting the micro controller.
Analogue pinsA0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7Using for analogue voltage inputs. the maximum input voltage is 5v.
Digital pinsD0 to D13These pins can be used as an input or output. the low input voltage is 0v and high at 5v.
Serial communication pinsRx,TxUsing for receive and sending serial data.
PWM3,5,6,9,11Provides the PWM outputs.
External interrupts2 and 3Used for triggering an interrupt.
Icsp10,11,12,and 13Used for the SPI communication.
AREFAREFReference voltage input or output.
LED13Inbuilt Led

arduino nano icsp pinout

GNDSupply ground
RSTReset connection input
MOSIMaster output slave in
SCKClock from master to the slave
VCCVoltage input
MISOMaster in slave output pin

Arduino nano digital pins

arduino nano digital pin

The Arduino Nano has 14 numbers of digital input or output pins. The pins working at the maximum input voltage of 5v. If the digital is low the output voltage is 0v, and the digital pin is high the voltage is about 5v.

Serial communication pins in arduino nano

arduino nano serial pin

Serial communication pins are PIN 1 and PIN 2. Pin 1 is RX and Pin 2 is TX. These pins are transmitting and receiving the communication signals.

PWM pins

Already mentioned above, these digital pins provides the PWM output signals.

spi pinout

These pins support the synchronous communication with SCK. act as a synchronizing clock.

Arduino nano analog pins

The analogue pins are starts from PIN number 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, and PIN number 16. These 14 analogue input or output pins works with maximum voltage of 5v.

AREF pin arduino

arduino nano analogue reference pin

AREF stands for Analogue Reference. This is the feeding input for the Arduino. The reference voltage is connecting through this pin. AREF having the input resistance of 32k. If you are going to feed the reference voltage you needs to call the analogue reference before call to analogue read.

AnalogueReference(EXTERNAL) ; analogue read (0) ;

If you didn’t do this on your program the microcontroller get short internally with the 5 V. Otherwise the IC will burn out.


reset pin of arduino nano

Reset pin is doing the job of totally reseting the microcontroller ( atmega328p). Which means the program will be restored or restarted as like the initial uploaded state. Most commonly the reset can done though a switch connected to the 27 th pin of Arduino. If the 27 th pin is Low or 0 volt, the IC get restarted.

ICSP ( In circuit serial programming)

The icsp pin is stands for in circuit serial programming. Is a AVRtiny programming header in the arduino board. It consists of the pinout of MOSI,MISO,SCK,RESET,VCC,GND. This pins are useful for programming Arduino board in the situation of error in bootloader. To reprogramming the bootloader connecting this pins to another Arduino board with same icsp pinout. For example Mosi pin connected to the Mosi pin of second Arduino board and sck to sck pin.


The working voltage of Arduino nano is 5v and powerd through the mini B Usb. A 6-20v unregulated power can be applied through pin number 30. And a regulated 5v can apply through pin number 27.

Difference between arduino uno and arduino nano

Input voltage5v/6-12v5v/6-12v
Analogue I/O6/08/0
CPU speed16MHz16MHz
Digital I/O/PWM14/614/6
Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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