Arduino boards are the easiest and very helpful development board for electronic enthusiasts. This incredible platform can be used in various electronic applications to build Cool Arduino Projects. It can be able to program, and use as per our requirements. One of the most satisfying projects for beginners is blinking LED code? here is the best 7 Arduino projects for you.
1. DIY Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Car
Building an obstacle avoiding cars is fun and educational. When the obstacle is detected by the car using the ultrasonic sensor, the Arduino board executes the obstacle avoiding function. Stopping the car and reversing. The Arduino continuously repeats the process of obstacle finding. The project code and additional library files are given here.
🔗Arduino obstacle avoiding car code
2. Mini 3D Printer From DVD Writer
Building a mini 3D printer is exciting. You need to gather some items to build 3D printer that are, Arduino board, stepper motors, Frame structure of the printer, print bed, hot end, end stop and power5 supply. In this mini 3D printer the arduino will function as the brain of this project. Stepper motors are for moving the hot gun, and also the print bed. The hot end is builded with a heater cartridge and a heat sensor, this will transform the filament to molten form for creation of 3D models.
3. Simple Arduino Energy Meter
The arduino energy meter is designed to measure the voltage and also the consumption of the potential energy. The 16×2 display shows the battery voltage current and watts. The arduino board will simplify the circuits and require only a few number of wires to do this project. The circuit diagram and its programming code is given here.
🔗 Arduino energy meter circuit diagram
🔗 Programming code for energy meter
4. Arduino Sine wave Inverter
Creating an arduino based sine wave inverter is a rewarding process. The sine wave inverter uses the DC voltage and converts it into 50Hz AC voltage, exactly the same as the normal AC voltage. Building this power inverter requires Mosfet and some capacitors and resistors.
🔗 working video and download link
5. RGB LED effect
This circuit is based on an arduino board and 74hc595 IC. The simple and very satisfying electronic project with an arduino development board. The LED color and effect is controlled by the driver IC of 74HC595. The circuit diagram and its programming code attached with this post.
6. Metal Detector Project
Very simple circuit and easy to find the presence of metals. The detector part is normal copper wire, few external components are required. The programming and connection of this circuit is very easy. I am also attaching the source code and circuit diagram below.
🔗Arduino Metal detector programming code and Circuit
7. 7 Segment Digital Clock
Creating a seven segment clock using an Arduino is very easy and educational. To build this project you need a common cathode seven segment display and some resistors and capacitors. Two push buttons are provided for the time setup and adjustments.
🔗 Arduino clock programming code
🔗Circuit diagram
In conclusion, arduino based projects are very easy and rewarding. Enthusiasts and all ages can make their own creativity using this open source platform. Most cool project details are discussed above. Those projects are very helpful and easy to build at home.