Raspberry Pi vs Arduino – Choose the Right Board

The Arduino Uno vs Raspberry Pi 3 are the best and very popular choice for DIY, IoT, and other interesting engineering projects. If you are doubt about finding which one to use for your electronics projects. Let us check what are the differences between each board and select one for your project. Arduino Remote Control project

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Types of board

Raspberry Pi 3

raspberry pi bosrd

The Raspberry Pi 3 is known as the Single board computer (SBC). This means the board works with its own processor, memory, and runs with an operating system (Linux). The board consists of its own USB ports and audio outputs. The board also contains an HDMI output to show the multiple programs runs inside. You can also customize the operating systems. This means you can install the operating systems like Windows 10, Android.

Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno board working based on a microcontroller of ATMEGA328P. The microcontrollers are not as powerful as compared with the Single-board computers. But the board can be easily set up and execute. The microcontroller can run simple projects using LED, Sensor, Motors, Modules, And LCD. You can not run a full operating system in it. You can run only one program in time on the Arduino board. Check simple Arduino Projects

Difference between Raspberry pi and Arduino

NORaspberry PiArduino Uno
1Is a mini computer working with an integrated operating systemWorks based on a single micro controller chip.
2It can able to run multiple programs at a time.It can able to run only one program at a time.
3 It has some difficulty to power using battery pack.Arduino can easily powers with battery.
4It requires a complex task to install the libraries and software for interfacing with sensors.Very easy to interface with the sensor.
5Expenses is very high.It is available for low cost.
6It can easily connected with the internet.Requires extra hardware to connect to the internet.
7Did not have onboard storage. Using extra SD card.Arduino provides onboard storage.
8The processor is from ARM family.The Arduino is from AVR family ATMEGA 328P
9This should be Properly shutdownIf the power connects its start running the program.
10The recommended programming is python.Arduino uses arduino c/c++

Hardware and Software

FaturesArduino UnoRaspberry Pi
PriceAbout 30$About 35$
Size7.6*1.9*6.4 cm8.6*5.4*1.7 Cm
Clock speed16Mhz700Mhz
Multi taskingNoYes
The supply voltage7 to 12v5V
Flash32KBSD card
Operating systemNoLinux

Which is best Raspberry Pi or Arduino

Raspberry Pi vs Arduino

The Arduino is a microcontroller board, while the raspberry pi is a computer. The Arduino is a part of the Raspberry board. So in complex projects such as cloud connecting or internet-related projects the Raspberry Pi is the best choice, But you need well knowledge on this board for programming.

If you are an engineering students you need to submit an engineering project the Arduino based project is very suitable, because the cording is very easy and the cost is also less. Comparing with Raspberry Pi the Arduino board is very good for beginners and if you are very talented in coding and you need to run multiple tasks the raspberry is nice.

Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of Solderingmind.com. I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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