Overview | PIR Motion Sensor

PIR Motion sensor

The PIR motion sensor. PIR is known as the passive infrared. PIR sensors enable you to sense motion, nearly always used to observe whether or not an individual’s has moved in or out of the sensors range. they’re tiny, cheap, low-power, simple to use and do not wear out. For that reason they’re usually found in appliances and gadgets used in homes or businesses. they’re usually said as PIR, “Passive Infrared”, “Pyroelectric”, or “IR motion” sensors.

PIR motion detector
PIR motion detector


PIR sensor is made of a pyroelectric sensing element (which will you can able to} see below because the spherical metal can with a rectangular crystal within the center), which might discover levels of infrared emission. Every living body emits some low level radiation, and also the hotter something is emit a lot of radiation. The sensing element during a motion detector is truly split in 2 halves. the explanation for that’s that we tend to square measure trying to discover motion (change) not average IR levels. the 2 halves are wired up so they cancel one another out. If one half sees more or less IR radiation than the opposite, the output will swing high or low.

Pir motion sensor connection
PIR motion sensor connection

Along with the pyre electric sensing elements, lot of components are present for supporting the circuit. It seems that the a small hobbyist sensor s using the BISS0001 ( Micro power PIR sensor detection IC ).

The older PIR motion sensor has limited functions. But in updated version of PIR having movement sensitivity adjustment and time adjustment for delay. The sensor consist of 3 pins. Ground, out, and power in.

PIR motion detector back side
PIR module backside

So many basic projects and products are working based on this motion sensor. It detect when a person entering in the range area. Turn of if he left that sensing area. The sensor are very cheap and affordable to but an electronic hobbyist. Pretty low power consumption ( 5v DC enough ).

Basics of PIR sensor

The all PIRs are slightly different in specification. But the working of those sensor are similar. Common specification and characteristics of PIR motion sensor are given below.

OUTPUTThe digital pulse become high and voltage in output is
3v. In idle condition the pin is in low mode ( no motion detecting ).
SENSITIVITY RANGESensitivity range is adjustable but the maximum distance range is 6 m.( 20 feet ).
POWER SUPPLYThe working voltage is in between 5-12v DC. The most of the board having in built voltage regulator of 3.3v so providing 5v is enough for working module perfectly.

PIR sensor decoder iC

The motion sensor is build with combination of the sensor and a decoder ic. BISS0001 is the commonly available on the PCB. BISS0001 Datasheet.

Pir motion detector ic
PIR motion detector IC

The IC is a low power CMOS technology so it is ideal for the PIR devices. Built in power up disable and output pulse control logic. Having dual mode of retriggerable and non triggerable.

BISS0001 pin description

BISS0001 ic pin out
BISS0001 ic pin out

Micro power PIR sensor inbuilt circuit

PIR module inbuilt circuit
PIR module inbuilt circuit

D203S PIR sensor

The pyroelectric infrared radial sensor. D203s is the sensor part number you are seen in the PIR module. This pyroelectric infrared sensor detecting the infrared radiations on the basis of the characteristics that the polarisation of the sensor material ( pyroelectric ) changes with the temperature.

D203s sensor datasheet

PIR sensor D203S Typical application circuit

pir sensor schematic lm324
pir sensor schematic lm324

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Fresnel Lens for Human Body Detection
Fresnel Lens for Human Body Detection

PIR Motion sensor circuit

pir motion sensor wiring diagram
pir motion sensor wiring diagram
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Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of Solderingmind.com. I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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