Dc Dc Buck Converter Using LM2596 IC

A buck converter is an electronic circuit that steps down from high voltage to low voltage. A DC-to-DC buck converter is essential in different applications, such as Audio amplifiers, LED circuits, and other power supply circuits. Those Buck converters efficiently convert high-voltage DC to low-voltage DC.

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Introduction to the Buck Converter

A Buck converter is a very simple circuit. Figure 1 is a model circuit of a buck converter. The circuit contains a Mosfet, PWM controlling IC, Schottky Diode, and a toroid core with copper winding coil.

The DC transferring function is an equation that relates to the input voltage, output voltage, and also the duty cycle. V out = Vin *D where the V out is the voltage in the output section, Vin is the voltage input, and D is the duty cycle. ( or the percentage of the time that the Mosfet turns on in the circuit ).

The low pass filter ( the toroidal winding coil ) smoothes the MOSFET switching action and produces a nice and smooth DC voltage in the output.

Basic Buck Converter Diagram

Figure 1: Simple Buck Converter Circuit Model diagram

Buck Converter Module in the Market

Buck converter module in market
Figure 2: Buck converter Module

LM2596 Buck Converter Circuit

Lm2596 buck converter circuit
Figure 3: Lm2596 Buck converter circuit

Components Required

Part Numberquantity
100uf capacitor1
1N5822 diode1
33uH coil1
220uf/63v capacitor1
50K preset pot1
1.21k ( 1.2k) resistor1
power supply1
Akhil Satheesh

Akhil Satheesh

👋 Hello there! I'm Akhil Satheesh, Founder and CEO of Solderingmind.com. I am an expert in building innovative electronic circuit and PCB designing. Most of the tested electronic projects are sharing with you.

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  1. i,m new in electronic, but i want to learn to read schematic, base on schematic above 2 pin potensiometer pin 1 an 2 conected to resistor 1.2k, am i coorect?thanks