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Simple Rain Detector Project

Rain detector project using 555 ic

The Simple rain detector project can be used to detecting the presence of rain outside. A 555 timer IC based simple circuit with rain sensor will work fine. The circuit is useful for most of the applications such as irrigation system and rain alert window closing and more. When the rain water get contacted with the rain sensor the alarm trigger and the buzzer start to buzz.

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Components Required

  • Rain drop detection sensor module
  • NE555 Timer IC
  • BC547 NPN Transistor
  • Buzzer
  • 9V Battery
  • Resistors and Capacitors

Rain Drop Detection Sensor Module

The Ran drop detection sensor module is a simple electronic component is using to detect the presence of rain. The rain sensor pad is composed with a conductive material, this will arrange in grid pattern. The moisture or raindrop falls on the tracks the conductivity between the track is change.

Rain drop detection sensor.webp

This change in conductivity will passes the electricity through the tracks between each other. This mechanism is used in rain detector to find the Rain presence.

The project is works with few number of electronic components. The main component to detect the rain drop is rain sensor. The rain detector is designed with 2 contacts if the contact get touch with rain drop the electricity passes. That time the voltage reached to the transistor base pin and activating the 555 timer IC and beep the connected buzzer.

555 Timer IC and Pinout

555 ic pinout

Rain Detector Circuit

Simple Rain Detector Circuit
Fig.1 Rain detector circuit


The rain sensor contact A and contact B are connected as per the circuit diagram given above. You can use an extended wire to place the rain sensor outside the house and the circuit inside.

When any rain drops are attached to the sensor the sensor starts to conduct the electricity through the tracks, this time point A receives the positive voltage and it travels to the NPN transistor base pin.

This voltage will turn on the transistor—the transistor emitter pin connected with the 4 of the NE555 IC. The IC is configured in astable mode, this will generate an oscillation. The PIN 3 of the IC is connected to the buzzer. When the 555 IC starts to work it will produce a buzzer sound. This means there is rain outside.


How does the rain detector circuit work?

When rain water get contact with the terminals of detector pad, the conductivity happen and trigger the alarming function. This is the basic working of rain detector.

What is the function of a rain sensor?

This simple circuit ha lot of uses like irrigation control in rural agriculture farms and rain based automation systems and much more.

Which sensor is used in rain detector?

Resistive rain sensor or Rain drop detection sensor module is using as the sensor of rain detector circuit.

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