Low pass filter circuits are available at a cheap price in all electronics shops. The low pass filter boards have different properties some people don’t like a single IC filter board. Some like small filter boards. But the electronic experts are looks like the perfect working of those boards, not the designs. Actually, if you are planning to buy these boards from the market, you needs to know something about it. How it is working and why these boards are needed in power amplifier board to drive the subwoofers.
The low pass filter board – from the word, The function of the electronic board is mentioned. Low pass means the lower frequency in terms of audio. The audio signals we can hear from the frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The subwoofer filter board works in the frequency range of 15 Hz to 150 Hz. This low-frequency sound makes your subwoofer create a booming sound. So the best subwoofer board will give the super depth of the audio.
Single supply low pass subwoofer filter circuit diagram

The single 4558 op-amps IC is used for this circuit. The circuits need 15v dc to start working. Don’t worry it will also work in 12v dc. The filter circuit is a single power supply based one. So you can easily use this for a car subwoofer amplifier. Very few components and a low cost to build this one. The ic is named BA4558, if you are impossible to find the same, not a problem you can use any 4558 op-amps IC.
Provide the audio input from the audio source and turn on the circuit. The filtered signal will get in the output section. You can connect the output to the subwoofer amplifier input section. So hope you like this circuit and project.
The filter would work to 150hz only if 100nf were used instead of 220nf
THat circuit work??