Category Basic electronics

Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision is a free online Electronics Tutorials Resource for Beginners and Beyond on all aspects of Basics.

What is Capacitance

what is capacitance

Capacitance is an important electrical property that describes how well a capacitor can store electrical charge. Share Button Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest Share on WhatsApp Share on Telegram It is like a measure of its “charge-holding” ability. We…

Why Do Transistors Have 3 Legs

Why do transistors have three legs

Why are transistors designed with three legs? This is a common question that arises when examining these fundamental components of electronic devices. Share Button Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest Share on WhatsApp Share on Telegram The Transistors, which are…

why npn transistor is preferred over pnp?

Npn and pnp transistors

Introduction When it comes to transistors, NPN (Negative-Positive-Negative) transistors have gained popularity and are often chosen over PNP (Positive-Negative-Positive) transistors. Let’s explore the advantages of NPN transistors and understand why they are commonly preferred in electronic circuits. Share Button Share…

Microwave Radar Sensor

A microwave radar sensor is an electronic device that uses microwave radiation to detect and measure the distance, velocity, and other characteristics of objects in its field of view. Share Button Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest Share on WhatsApp…

Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor

A pyroelectric infrared sensor is a type of motion sensor that detects changes in the infrared radiation emitted by living beings and other objects. Share Button Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest Share on WhatsApp Share on Telegram It works…