What is capacitor

The capacitor is defined as a device that stores electrical energy in an electrical field. It is an electronic component with two terminals. The capacitor value is known as capacitance. It will be represented in micro fared,pf, and Mf.

What happens when capacitor is connected to DC

The capacitor having two polarities, a positive and the negative terminals mostly the polarity is defining in electrolytic capacitors. Which are directly connected to the batteries the capacitor will store an electrical charge for a particular time without any discharge of the energy. When the capacitor is connected in the circuit it will store and provide the energy to the circuit.

The capacitor symbol

ceramic capacitor symbol Non-polarity capacitor

Capacitor letter code table

Capacitor’s letter code is mainly considering in with ceramic capacitors and film capacitors. example, 103 means 10+000( zero) pf. is 10000pf = 10nf.

capacitor letter code table